Milk retains fluid in the body. Edema and weight loss: about cottage cheese, salt and carbohydrates. Why not milk

If you suffer from edema - a condition of swelling due to water retention in cells and tissues - you can avoid foods that retain water in the body. While many factors can lead to water retention, research has shown that high sodium intake contributes significantly to this process. When health-conscious people try to eliminate salt from their diet, they unknowingly eat foods with hidden sodium content. In this article, you will find 5 foods that cause swelling.

How sodium affects water retention

The human body is very sensitive, it always tries to maintain homeostasis at the cellular level. The cells are filled and surrounded by water. Around and within cells, the specific amount of water is controlled by chemical processes that include sodium and potassium levels, hormones, and proper kidney function. Typically, if you consume too much sodium, the mechanism that forces water out of the cells is blocked, causing them to swell. This is the basic information related to sodium-related water retention.

What foods to avoid

Removing salt from the table is good practice, but here's a list of foods that can add significant amounts of sodium to your diet! They often contain salt as a preservative, preventing food spoilage by inhibiting the growth of bacteria. Sodium enhances flavor, prevents excessive dryness in snacks, and makes sweets more palatable. It can mask the questionable metallic and chemical substances that accompany many prepackaged and processed foods.

List of foods that delay the removal of water from the body

  1. Ham, bacon, roast beef, chicken, cheese, butter ... The list is endless. All of these processed foods are loaded with sodium. Bacon contains an average of 2700 mg sodium per 100 g.
  2. Canned food . Foods such as soup, legumes, and olives are almost always high in sodium. If you include them in your diet, be sure to track the amount of sodium per serving.
  3. Prepackaged meals . While microwave meals can be convenient, there is usually a lot of salt in them to keep them from spoiling. Frozen dinners, instant meals, and toaster snacks are the culprits for water retention.
  4. Z high sodium snacks and drinks. A world without chips and packaged cookies can seem grim. But these delicious snacks, as well as crackers, pretzels and more, can bring a lot of sodium into the body.
  5. Alcoholic drinks. If you consume light alcoholic beverages, your body stores a good amount of what you swallow (including sugar). Alcohol causes fluid retention in the abdomen and legs. A glass of wine a day is not a problem, but cocktails, beers or high alcohol drinks should be kept to a minimum.

While it may seem like your local grocery store is stocked only with foods that cause swelling, there is hope! Pay special attention to the sodium content of foods as it is indicated on food labels. The Department of Health recommends no more than 2,300 mg of sodium per day.

In addition, you can take advantage of the consumption of foods rich in potassium, including vegetables and fruits. Exercise is a great way to combat swelling. When you exercise, your blood vessels dilate and, in turn, fluid is carried from your tissues to your kidneys. Water is eventually excreted from the body. Just 40 minutes 3 days a week can make a difference. Be healthy!

Have you found that in the evenings it becomes difficult to take off your shoes, and the ring painfully cuts into the skin? The reason for these "innovations" is swelling. Edema can occur due to various diseases, a sedentary lifestyle, hot weather, and an improperly constructed diet. In any case, with such a problem, it is necessary to limit the use of foods that retain water in the body. Everyone should remember their list.

Treats that threaten puffiness

The first thought when edema appears is to drink less water. Oddly enough, it is erroneous, because without a sufficient amount of fluid, it is impossible to remove toxins and replenish cells. What does the body signal when the swelling begins? About water retention, not excess water. The most reasonable action would be to limit the consumption of foods that retain water in the body, or to temporarily exclude them from the diet if the edema is too severe.

The diet is applied in combination with the elimination of the underlying cause. For example, if you have certain medical conditions (heart, kidney, liver damage, etc.), take the medication prescribed by your doctor.

Food and drinks that interfere with the elimination of fluid:

  • alcohol, soda, sweet fruit juices, sweetened tea and coffee;
  • fast food;
  • marinades, smoked meats, canned food;
  • sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • butter, cheese, cream;
  • chicken eggs;
  • sausages;
  • spread, margarine;
  • chocolate, sweets, honey, sweet flour products;
  • yeast baked goods;
  • chips, crackers, salted nuts;
  • dishes fried in vegetable oil or fat;
  • products with preservatives, flavors, flavor enhancers and other artificial additives.

What dishes are most harmful for people with puffiness? The answer is clear: all are salty. To maintain the water-salt balance, a person needs to consume a maximum of 5 g of this spice per day (the rate varies depending on weight, health and climatic conditions). But if you calculate the amount of hidden salt in foods, it becomes obvious that you should not add salt to food. If you are still in doubt, check out our table of sodium-rich water retention foods.

Product (100 g)

Amount of salt




Canned tuna

Black bread

Green beans

White bread




As you can see, there are many healthy foods on the list, so always keep a sense of proportion. When buying a finished product, do not forget to look at the label - a serving should not exceed 140 mg of sodium.

Not only salt

In addition to salt, excess creatine retains water, which enters the body with meat and fish. You need to be careful and sweet tooth: sugar and honey contribute to the fullness and increase insulin levels. And those who drink alcohol should know that alcoholic beverages dehydrate, forcing the body to try to normalize the acid-base balance due to fluid retention.

Of course, people suffering from edema should not forever deprive themselves of eggs, fish and meat dishes. The best solution is to cook these foods by steaming, boiling and stewing.

    Even the toughest diet involves the use of dairy products, because it is a source of protein and other valuable micronutrients. But some adherents deliberately refuse milk, claiming that because of it it is "flooding". Is it really? When can milk, cottage cheese or cheese contribute to water retention in the body? Let's figure it out.

    Let's move away from the topic of drying and first turn to the usual weight loss. Is it okay to eat dairy products if you're just dieting? To do this, we will study the composition of whole milk with a fat content of 3.2%. One glass (200 ml) contains about 8 g of protein, 8 g of fat and 13 g of carbohydrates. The energy value is approximately 150 kcal. Plus almost 300 mg of calcium and 100 mg of sodium (i.e. salts).

    Anyone who plays sports will tell you that this is an almost ideal composition for restoring the body after training. Milk fats are easily absorbed and do not contribute to unnecessary weight gain. But muscle mass is certainly growing.

    The composition of other dairy products varies, but the ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates is roughly the same. Therefore, if you use milk in moderation, avoiding cream and high fat cottage cheese, then it will be added only in the right places.

    The paradox is that the fatter the dairy products, the healthier and safer they are in terms of weight gain. British scientists David Ludwig and Walter Willet conducted a study on the absorption of milk of different fat content in humans. They noticed that subjects who drank skim milk gained weight faster. This is due to the fact that the manufacturer, diluting his products with water, adds sugar there to preserve the taste. Hence the extra calories. You can read about the research. (source in English).

    By the way! David Ludwig, author of the book "Are you constantly hungry?", Is sure that it is possible to lose weight or keep one weight on fat. Because they are completely spent on energy, but carbohydrates are not. In addition, less fat is needed for saturation. The scientist even singles out a special model of obesity - "insulin-carbohydrate". You can read more about this. (source in English) It turns out that Ludwig also believes that drying is good for the body.

    Does milk hold water?

    This is the main and eternal question that causes a lot of controversy. Supporters of two opinions provide a variety of evidence, sometimes based on unrealistic facts. But it is quite simple and, moreover, quite logical. Yes, milk can hold water. But there are two circumstances under which this happens. And they cannot be ignored.

    Lactose intolerance

    It is associated with a deficiency in the body of lactase, an enzyme that is necessary for the breakdown of sugars contained in dairy products. If this does not happen, lactose reaches the intestines and binds water. Against this background, diarrhea occurs, and the body loses fluid, but not at all the one that needs to be lost for proper drying. Therefore, the result of drinking milk with lactose intolerance is unpleasant symptoms (in addition to diarrhea, there is also bloating, gas) plus edema.

    If you are lactose intolerant and decide to start drying, you really shouldn't drink milk. But there is no need to say that all people should do this. Yes, milk is contraindicated for you, but for someone it will bring a lot of benefits. Including when drying.

    With a complete rejection of salt

    This is the sin of many athletes who decide to dry out. They are guided by the following logic: salt retains water, so we will not use it at all. Moreover, they not only do not add salt to food, but also exclude all possible food products containing salt. But poor fellows do not know that the lack of salt also retains water, because the body needs potassium and sodium.

    When a person stops consuming salt, the body begins to desperately “search” for it in all products. And finds, oddly enough, in the milk. A portion of cottage cheese with a fat content of 5%, for example, contains up to 500 mg of sodium, which not only accumulates in the body, but is also retained in it. The processes of salt breakdown and consumption are disrupted due to the fact that the body is afraid to be left again without valuable sodium. And salt retention is equal to water retention. Hence the negative drying results.

    In order for milk to bring only benefits, and the salts contained in it are evenly consumed and do not retain water, it is necessary to maintain a normal electrolyte balance and not quite. It is possible to minimize it, but the body should not experience its deficiency, so as not to go all out.

    Random factors

    Given: no lactose intolerance; you did not refuse salt; you use milk. Result: it still "floods". Question: are you sure that this is from dairy products? After all, water can be retained for other reasons. Let's say you know the basic drying conditions and follow them, but are you considering 3 more factors?

  1. During menstruation, women swell more than on other days of the cycle.
  2. Swelling can provoke heart and kidney disease. And drying in this case is useless.
  3. Food allergies can also cause dysfunction and water retention.

Summing up

The human body is a very complex mechanism in which everything is interconnected. And it’s impossible to say for sure what influenced water retention, weight gain, or any other process. So find the balance that's right for you. Consult with doctors or experienced fitness instructors, who have hundreds of "dried" clients on their account, select dairy products with medium fat content and determine how much cottage cheese, milk and cheese you can eat per day without consequences. Yes, it can take time, experimentation, recording and analysis. But if everything were too simple, then drying would not cause such a stir. After all, it is always nice to boast of the perfect relief, while others are trying in vain to achieve this.

The water balance depends not only on the water you drink, but also on its removal. This balance can be disturbed by the use of foods that can provoke a delay in the elimination of fluid from the body.

Fluid retention in the body is a serious problem, as a result of which the human body works under a very heavy load. The reasons that lead to the occurrence of water retention: genetic pathologies, somatic diseases, violation of the water regime, inappropriate nutrition with a high salt content.

One of the important components that provide a sufficient volume of fluid in the body is the balance of water consumption, its intake (correct drinking regime).

A person needs 30-50 ml of fluid per day for each kilogram of body weight. The amount of liquid may vary slightly depending on the ambient temperature, season, health status. The more water is removed in sweat, the more you need to drink it to maintain balance in the body.

The water balance depends not only on the water you drink, but also on its excretion, which is carried out by the excretory system, the sweat glands. This balance can be disrupted by the use of products that can provoke a delay in the elimination of fluid from the tissues of the body, which leads to the appearance of edema, functional impairment of the functioning of organs, and as a result, to the development of diseases.

Products trap liquid

Foods with a high salt content, creatine, coffee, certain drugs, milk, cottage cheese, toxic substances, alcohol, delay the excretion of water from the cells of the body.

Salt products

Sodium chloride retains water in the body, which is the supplier of ions necessary for normal life. Lack of salt is harmful to the body, but too much salt is dangerous. Many foods contain salt, even if they do not taste salty (% DV).

  1. Flour products and cereals (2-14%): corn flakes; Rye bread; wheat; oat flakes.
  2. Meat and fish (2.5-2.7%): fish; veal; pork; beef.
  3. Dairy products (1-6%): cheese (26-27%); cow's milk; cottage cheese.
  4. Vegetables (1-9%): beets; potatoes; red cabbage; green peas; tomatoes.
  5. Greens (1-3%): celery; spinach. Champignons, mushrooms (2.5-15%). Eggs (3-4%). Nuts (0.6%).
  6. Fruits, berries (0.6%): bananas; oranges, almonds; dates.
  7. Pickles, pickled, canned vegetables, fruits (1400-2400).

Lots of salt:

  • in products containing dyes, preservatives: sausages, crackers, sausages, smoked meats, chips, mayonnaise, fast foods;
  • in sweet teas and coffee (excess insulin retains water);
  • in alcoholic beverages.


One of the most delicious and vitamin-rich foods is sauerkraut. But for some diseases, cabbage cannot be consumed. It is contraindicated for high blood pressure, kidney disease. Sauerkraut can cause edema or hypertensive crisis, the reason is a large amount of salt, almost 800 mg per hundred grams.

Daily salt intake

The daily dose of table salt, according to doctors, is about two and a half grams. This is the amount of salt found in food (hidden) and salt added to food being prepared. A larger amount of salt will actively retain water, exacerbate pathologies such as hypertension, coronary artery disease, diabetes mellitus.

Such patients are advised to reduce their salt intake to one and a half grams per day. The daily norm of salt can be obtained from food, especially if their packaging says: E 401, E 301, E 500, E 211, E 331, E 524, E 485, E 339, that is, table salt.

Creatine and water excretion

Creatine is an organic compound that is partially synthesized in the body. Creatine is found in fish and meat. Creatine is used as a relatively harmless sports supplement that improves endurance and muscle growth. But an excess of the supplement, more than 25 g per day, is undesirable. Creatine causes a delay in the elimination of urine from the body.

Although outwardly edema is not visible, creatine can retain up to two liters of water, but it is impossible to drive it off using diuretics (diuretics). Reducing the drinking regime is also contraindicated, as creatine dehydrates the body due to the absorption of water by the muscles. On the contrary, you need to drink up to three liters of water to restore the water balance.

Effect of coffee on water balance

The physiological effect of coffee depends on many factors. If you drink more than 3 cups of coffee, then the diuretic effect is ensured; if less, coffee retains water in the body. Sweet drinks also work - with an excess of sugar in coffee, the diuretic properties of the drink are enhanced. The reasons why pregnant women are not recommended to drink coffee - it causes the appearance of edema, increased blood pressure.

Studies conducted by scientists and doctors have shown why milk, ice cream, cottage cheese, yoghurts cause fluid retention in the body. Reasons: when they are used, the release of insulin in the body sharply increases, insulin increases the production of the adrenal hormone (aldosterone), which delays the excretion of sodium salts. It is helpful to consume dairy products immediately after exercise to help you recover faster.

Toxins and water retention

Alcohol, other toxins, or drugs cause water retention as water dissolves these poisons, reducing the negative effects on the body.

Liquid removal products

The products listed below actively remove fluid from the body.

  1. Fruits (watermelon, strawberry, blueberry, viburnum). In case of kidney stones, these fruits should be used in food carefully so as not to cause an aggravation.
  2. Tomatoes, asparagus, cabbage, leafy salads. They not only help the elimination of water, but contribute to the elimination of toxins, accelerate metabolism.
  3. Buckwheat, greens, bell peppers, zucchini, pumpkin, beets.
  4. Diuretic teas made from chamomile, chicory, centaury, lingonberry and blueberry leaves.

Vitamins and fluid excretion

Hypovitaminosis, a lack of the necessary trace elements can lead to a delay in the excretion of water. Therefore, it is desirable that the following foods be included in the daily diet:

  • red beef, bananas, salmon, salmon, containing vitamins B6;
  • fruits, low fat dairy and lactic acid products with vitamins B, D;
  • citrus fruits, herbs, spinach, containing trace elements magnesium, potassium.

The best way to get rid of excess fluid and toxins is clean water. Not juices, fresh juices, compotes, teas containing fruits, honey, sugar, which are a complete food, but pure water is good for the body. You can drink bottled still water, environmentally friendly water from mineral springs.

Some doctors and nutritionists say that if you freeze water, you can get structured water that has a beneficial effect on the human body. The greatest diuretic and detoxifying effect can be obtained by drinking warm water in the morning.

Prevention of fluid accumulation

  1. Drink at least two liters of water a day.
  2. Reduce the amount of salt and sugar, or eliminate them altogether. Sugar can be replaced with fruits, natural honey.
  3. Adhere to a rational and proper diet, including fruits, vegetables, cereals, lactic acid products.
  4. Eat dried fruits, raisins, nuts, dark chocolate (in small quantities).
  5. Do not forget that physical exercise is useful, and walking in the air speeds up metabolism, leads to more active diuresis.
  6. Do not use diuretics without a doctor's prescription, so as not to cause dehydration.

Compliance with the correct drinking regime, a decrease in the diet of foods that retain water - the body's protection from many diseases.

Which of the tenets of the great and terrible pepe (proper nutrition) do we learn one of the first? Of course, it is an immutable rule that milk fills, i.e. from eating dairy products, a person develops edema.

Where did it come from? From competitive athletes and fitness babies who aim to minimize body fat to dangerously low levels. Indeed, in recent years, with the popularization of sports and especially bodybuilding with a fitness bikini, and most importantly, an increase in the number of sports fans who want to look good and be fit, heated debates have erupted around dairy products.

The main thing is that it does not come to war! We suggest that you do not blindly believe the calls of different troops, but figure out everything yourself: what does it mean in general: pours from milk, how swelling is associated with dairy products, is it possible to use cottage cheese, milk and kefir while losing weight?


  1. "Fills with milk"(dairy products retain water and, as a result, we swell).
  2. "Cottage cheese (let's elaborate a little) contains milk sugar (lactose), and sugar contributes to bursts of insulin, and insulin stops all weight loss processes and accumulates fat." Actually for the same contrivedbecause of insulin, among phyto-babies there is a widespread myth about the prohibition of eating carbohydrates in the afternoon. Pours from cottage cheese.
  3. "Milk has a high insulin index."
  4. "Milk interferes with growth hormone."

Let's find out once and for all which dairy products are allowed, and which ones and why shouldn't be eaten on a diet?


Why do people even think that milk can interfere with losing weight? This is due to our "beloved" daddy paleo () Cordain. In the course of his "research", he discovered that milk directly affects our weight: it promotes inflammatory processes in the body, provokes allergies and, as a result, we get fat. In addition, malignant milk and its cottage cheese friend destroys the immune system by not being digested in the stomachs of people.

Cordaine even writes that milk and milk derivatives alter hormones. The products contribute to the production of aldosterones, from which any sports lover "floods with water", in general, the circle is closed and we feel that there is no way out of it.

Agree that it looks, to put it mildly, unscientific?

In the real world, it has long been proven that dairy products have extremely pleasant properties for losing weight: they give a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Some studies have shown that milk can help curb hunger in people with calcium deficiency, for example.

The data are also saying that whey protein (casein) also saturates well, increases the amount of insulin, which means that it allows you not to experience hunger for a longer time: when the participants ate high-protein yogurt as a snack at lunch they ate an average of almost 200 calories less than those who ate regular yogurt!

What's more, milk doesn't make you fat! In a study that lasted 1 year, increased consumption of dairy products with the same calorie intake did not affect the fat mass of the participants... There are, of course, the opposite experiments: for example, one of them proved that the use of dairy products with a low percentage of fat content did not contribute to weight gain, but "fat milk" was the opposite.

True, no one thought and did not record the number of calories per day, so that 99.9% weight gain is associated with a banal overkill of calories, and not the product consumed!

So is it possible to drink milk while losing weight or not, is it good for dieting? Of course yes! A huge number of qualitative studies have proven that in itself, even if increased consumption of dairy products does not affect body composition and weight gain! It's all about the number of calories and your tolerance (more on that below).

And the answer to the question whether it is possible to drink milk at night or in the evening, you will find out in the article


Let's immediately start with a negative teaching: if you came up with the idea of \u200b\u200ba kefir diet or a fasting day, then throw it out of your head (). With all its advantages, kefir can NOT provide the body with all vitamins, minerals and fiber.

As a result, supporters of a strict kefir diet experience a slowdown in metabolism and a weakening of immunity. After all, all mono-diets are stress for the body.

Buckwheat mono-diet, rice, protein, chocolate, tomato are stress for the body and the kefir mono-diet is no exception. This is complete foolishness... Weight on a kefir diet, of course, is lost quickly, but it returns just as quickly. You won't be able to drink kefir all your life ?!

The answer to the question "which kefir is healthier?" pretty simple. Nutritionist R.V. Moisenko writes that you should buy only fermented milk products, the shelf life of which is no more than one week. Usually these requirements are met by locally produced kefirs, from dairies that are located nearby and Russian-made.

If you bought "long-playing" kefir, it is better to ferment milk with it. By adding 200 ml of such a product to 1 liter of plain milk and leaving the saucepan in the kitchen overnight, you will get a fresh, probiotic-rich yogurt for breakfast. But kefir itself for long-term storage can contain not only lacto-cultures, but also starch-based thickeners, and, therefore, cannot be considered an ideal healthy product.

Kefir is a wonderful prebiotic, in fact it is milk digested by bacteria. It contains lactic acid and bifidobacteria, which inhibit the growth and development of pathogens and putrefactive microorganisms. So, after one to two weeks of regular use of kefir, phenolic and indole compounds disappear from the urine.

Plus, it is an easily digestible drink, the nutrients of which are absorbed as quickly as possible by the walls of the stomach and intestines and enter the bloodstream. Kefir helps to regulate our intestines. It is especially useful for children who have had intestinal infections. Kefir restores normal intestinal microflora in case of dysbiosis and dysbiosis, contributing to the normalization of biochemical reactions and physiological functions of the body.

It is also a readily available source of protein and calcium, which can help support healthy bones and growth in children. Moreover, calcium from kefir is absorbed much better than, for example, from milk. Therefore, kefir can serve as an excellent prevention of osteoporosis, which often causes serious injuries in older people.

Depending on how much time after cooking you use kefir, it has different properties. If you drink freshly prepared kefir (the first day), then it has a laxative effect, and after three days of storage, kefir strengthens. Those. with constipation, it will not help you in any way, this is a delusion!

When to drink?

If you are striving to improve your intestinal flora, the answer to the question "when to drink kefir" should be unambiguous. Drink when your stomach is as empty as possible... And use the product with a minimum of additives. If you just use kefir for pleasure, then you can in the morning, afternoon, evening and at night - this will neither help nor interfere with losing weight, by the way.

It is believed that with its help you can say goodbye to swelling in the morning, because kefir has a mild diuretic effect and helps to remove excess fluid from the body.

And we want to add some criticism. Some public places on the Internet are just ashamed! These their "advice" and "diets", as well as jokes in the style of "oh, I lost weight for two days, and then ate a dump of donuts", as well as the most magnificent "who weighs less than 180 kg / above 110 cm / breathed at least once in my life / waiting for spring, like it, let's see how many of us are "just freeze.

And yes, we envy that with such a low quality of material, they have a huge audience.

But if you wrap up herring with kefir for the night, how much can you throw off? It will not be easy for the body to digest such "heavy proteins" either.

Cottage cheese

So, let us analyze using kefir as an example: is it possible to use fermented milk products for weight loss? Let's look at the dairy issue from the perspective of its most popular representative - cottage cheese. Does a high insulin index in cottage cheese and dairy products interfere with fat burning?

What is the insulin index of foods? Why is the insulin index of cottage cheese the # 1 topic for discussion among athletes and lovers of all milk? Insulin index Is a value that shows how much insulin is released into the blood when a product is consumed.

We think that the concept of "food glycemic index" (GI) is familiar to everyone. In simple terms, it is an indicator of how foods affect blood sugar levels. The HIGHER the food, the FASTER the blood sugar rises, and the FASTER the pancreas will respond by releasing a large amount of the hormone insulin, whose task is to process glucose into glycogen or store its excess in the form of fat.

Basically, high GI have: confectionery and bakery products, dried fruits, etc.

We figured out the glycemic index in the article "" and found out that it does not affect weight loss in any way, but what is the danger of the insulin index, and what is its essence?

Insulin index slightly different from the glycemic index. Here, the scheme for the release of insulin into the blood is completely different. The fact is that the pancreas reacts with the release of insulin not only to foods rich in carbohydrates, but also to other foods. This suggests that insulin levels rise after eating protein foods such as fish, meat, cottage cheese, nuts, etc.

Yes, yes, cottage cheese with a carbohydrate content of 1.2 grams. per 100 g., with a glycemic index of 30 units, does not increase blood sugar levels, but still stimulates the release of insulin. In fact, scientists from all over the world still cannot answer unanimously why this is happening. Perhaps this is a reaction to lactose, possibly to the breakdown products of casein. However, the lack of information does not negate the fact that this is happening.

Not all foods have the same glycemic and insulin index. Quite often, the glycemic index of foods and their insulin index notmatch! For example, the glycemic index of low-fat cottage cheese is 30, and the insulin index is 120... Despite the fact that cottage cheese does not raise blood sugar levels, the pancreas instantly reacts to the ingestion of cottage cheese and releases a large amount of insulin.

“Oh, HORROR” thought many and stopped reading articles at this moment, not knowing the most important thing. With cottage cheese, we get a straightforward misfortune: there is insulin, but there are almost no carbohydrates! So you can eat cottage cheese with a diet for weight loss. Moreover, you can fearlessly eat cottage cheese in the evening or at night, and no matter what kind (even with a diet): low-fat or 9%.

As long as there is a calorie deficit (honest and real deficit), a person will lose weight... That's all, no magic 😉

Which is better?

Why not milk?

Dairy products are not allowed in two cases: 1) you have indigestion from them, 2) you are a performing athlete on drying (not on fat burning (losing weight), which we mere mortals do). In 98% of you in any case will not flood in the morning after curd or milk, because there is nothing to fill in, you do not have dried to a critically low percentage of body fat and that's good.

Yes, you can gain weight from dairy products, like from any other product, if you do not keep within.

What is the effect of insulin on growth hormone?

Growth hormone and insulin antagonists, respectively, oppose each other. Under the influence of growth hormone, the concentration of sugar in the blood increases and this forces the pancreas to produce and secrete insulin in order to reduce the concentration to normal.

Insulin is simply an anabolic transport hormone that does its job. He's neither good nor bad. He doesn't care if you are gaining fat or building muscle. All he cares about is keeping blood glucose levels in the normal range. When this level becomes high, insulin is produced, which will quickly ensure that glucose levels return to normal.

BUT... Where are we without but? We do not get any sugar in the blood from cottage cheese, which means that the insulin produced as a result of eating cottage cheese is not an antagonist of growth hormone - purely theoretically and following the laws of logic. Unfortunately, no scientific research has been carried out on this topic, so the question remains open.

The obvious conclusion is:dairy products DO NOT interfere with the fat burning process. And by the way, there is research that it, on the contrary, helps one.

Here are the results of the 2011 study “Increased Consumption of Dairy Foods and Protein during Diet- and Exercise-Induced Weight Loss Promotes Fat Mass Loss and Lean Mass Gain in Overweight and Obese Premenopausal Women. Andrea R. Josse, Stephanie A. Atkinson, Mark A. Tarnopolsky, and Stuart M. Phillips. "

The pre-obese girls were divided into 3 groups in a 16-week training cycle: the first- consuming group 30% protein (1.3 g / kg), half which was taken from dairy products; second15% protein, half of which are from milk; third15% proteins, withoutdairy products in general. Calcium intake was 0.3, 1.2, 1.8 for the third, second and first groups, respectively.

Those who were losing weight were on a hypocaloric diet, implying a negative energy balance of -500 kcal / day. We practiced 5 days a week - aerobic exercise with a cost of 250 kcal per session and performed two strength training per week.

The firstthe group showed great loss of fat mass especially in the abdomen and significant gain in muscle mass... Whereas the second and third showed lower fat loss and significant muscle loss.

Well, none of the fitness myths are confirmed, but then why are people flooded with cottage cheese?

Swelling: dairy products retain water in the body

Why can't some people not have milk? In fairness, it should be noted that there is a possibility that milk and cottage cheese can retain water in the body. True, these are special cases, but there are swelling from cottage cheese or milk.

If you do not have any diseases, then the negative effect of milk protein can occur due to the scanty amount of sodium and potassium in the body for natural reasons (for example, salt is removed from the diet).

Well, of course, this scenario is primarily subject to people who follow the lead of one of the fitness myths, which says that on a diet you need to minimize salt intake, they say, salt retains water. Laughter is what exactly lack of salt dramatically affects water retention in the body.

In conditions of a lack of salt, the body tries to retain the available sodium and its crumbs, which it receives from food. Sodium retention leads to water retention, weight gain, edema, circulating blood volume, extracellular fluid, and increased central venous pressure.

And dairy products, as a rule, are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals; a portion of cottage cheese can contain up to 500 mg of sodium, i.e. in conditions of sodium deficiency, when dairy products enter the body, we get the same effect of a water mattress. This moment is solved simply - add salt 🙂

Another important point. Despite all the benefits of "milk", there is lactose intolerance or even food allergy to milk (rarely). In this case, you can advise switching to soy milk, which, however, does not contain calcium, or even give up milk altogether.

Statistics say that about 40% of all people living on our planet suffer from lactose intolerance. What is it? There are no enzymes in the stomach that help casein (milk protein) break down into amino acids, which means that the function of digesting lactose is lost, which is why it enters the lower intestine, causing revolutionary actions and the song of the whale, gas formation and bloating. So if after the cottage cheese there is an inflated belly, it is better to refuse it.

Output: are you lactose intolerant? Then and not when losing weight is not recommended. Not? Then eat.

"Here I am"

Verdict: puffiness can form from cottage cheese, i.e. you can be flooded, with a violation of the water-salt balance and with personal characteristics of the body.

But not all and not always. If you have bloating from cottage cheese and other dairy products, then you simply do not have an enzyme to break down lactose, which means that you should not torment the body with "seething". You need to be guided in this matter by a perspective and a reasonable approach, without demonizing specific products.

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