Shameful actions of women. The funniest and most shameful acts of childhood, which are still seen in nightmares The most shameful act

Although none of them admit it. Moreover, if you present this list to a girl, she will vehemently deny everything. Don't trust her. Don't trust anyone... Not even yourself. So, any lady does the following.

Having sex on the first date

And by the way, this is not a very good sign. Most likely, she realized that you would not be able to have a serious relationship, but, as they say, at least a tuft of wool from a smart sheep. Yes, we slightly altered the saying so as not to offend anyone.

Looking through messages on her boyfriend's phone

Even the most honest girl breaks down sooner or later. Perhaps the culprit is the hormones that whisper in her ear with nasty thin voices: “Come on, look what he keeps in his magic talking box!” (Obviously, hormones are not very tech savvy and don’t know the word “telephone”).

Posts on Instagram about going to the gym/running a marathon/swimming the Suez Canal, and then doesn’t do it

What’s the point of doing something now if the 237 likes needed for happiness have already been received in advance? It's better to lie on the couch. And let Suez wait!

Pissing in the shower

Thought you were the only one so resourceful?

Spends hours aimlessly on social media

Studying the chronicle and looking at the photo of the second wife’s elder sister ex-boyfriend, or other people to whom he has a very indirect relationship.

Watching porn

She’s the one who’s just pretending in front of you that “double penetration” is such a terrible thing and stop talking about this disgusting thing. In fact, girls can search for the porn section they are interested in with the same speed with which you made your bed in the army.

Crying in the car listening to sad music

And it’s also great if it’s raining outside the window at that moment. And the drops are crawling down the glass, and James Blunt is screaming hysterically from somewhere in the trunk... How sad life is... Stop honking, I see it’s green! Let's go now!

Taking a selfie

Because only a selfie can convey all her unearthly beauty at once - with protruding lips, a sloping forehead and fluffy hair on the sides.

Imagines what it would look like to be pregnant with your belly sticking out

The effect of pregnancy is easily achieved after overeating prunes or by placing foreign objects under a sweater, such as a pillow or a passing cat. For what? Because it looks both exciting and strange - for good reason.

Puts off shaving your legs for as long as possible

And what? You're on a business trip, the cat doesn't care. Plus, there's something wicked and alluring about feeling like Chewbacca before returning to your usual glamorous bald state.

Planning an imaginary wedding

"So. We will seat Aunt Sonya away from the string quartet; she is allergic to violin dust. And Aunt Sarah won't live, poor thing. You need to order at least three baskets of petals...” - the girl thinks something like this, returning from her first date. If, of course, she liked you.

Fakes an orgasm

And then she assures that she never has to pretend with you. Sorry.

Writes his first name next to your last name

You never know how life will turn out and it’s better to check whether the name Demidova-Rappoport will decorate the name Angela.

Provokes a scandal

For example, in a store. Because in the morning she felt that the whole world was against her. And now, when she discovered that the daikon in the grocery department was stale, her guess was confirmed. Call the manager!

Eats pizza

Entirely. One. Then, under the cover of darkness, he takes out to the trash a large square cardboard piece of evidence with dried crusts flopping helplessly inside.

Takes screenshots of friends' posts

And forwards it to real friends to engage in collective slander.

Sends nude photos of himself to different men

Checks if you are horoscope compatible

Before you even have time to say “What are your plans for the evening?”, she will already know how Cancer combines with Aries, Tiger with Dragon, and Ash with Poplar.

Always wears the same bra

And those lace threads in which she periodically wraps herself to please you are, so to speak, a ceremonial, weekend thing. And, as a rule, wildly inconvenient. Not like the immortal, washed-out bra that has survived more than one generation of boyfriends.

Keeps commemorative bus tickets

Or a brochure from the serpentarium you went to on your first date.

Experiencing baseless demonic jealousy

“Okay, you say you were fishing. Why then do you smell like fish and are you covered in mud?! Yeah, gotcha?!” Deny everything. Or play dead. This will soon pass for her. These are hormones. At least, in the end, it is on them that the girl will blame everything.

Discusses with friends the sizes of jade rods of his exes

And sometimes current ones. Sorry.

Fantasizes about sex with a much older man

With young people and peers, everything is more or less clear. How interesting is that... Okay, let's go, it doesn't matter. Although still...

Admires his own breasts

Women's breasts fascinate women no less than men. Whatever one may say, these are two absolutely amazing and beautiful creatures. And both belong to her. Miracle.

I read, skimmed, and even watched “50 Shades of Gray”

Yes, she just defended her dissertation on the topic “The Bronte Sisters and Their Absence in Nekrasov’s Early Work” and became a candidate of philological sciences. But when Christian Gray enters Anastasia Steele, the academic degrees, heads bowed, obediently retreat.

Claims this is a #nofilter photo

Just think!

Looks at herself in the mirror when she cries

Sobbing loudly and rubbing tears into her cheeks, the girl manages to crawl to the mirror. She peers into her face, distorted by mental pain and the culminating stage of PMS. How beautiful she is! And defenseless! Especially when she cries.

Imagine what your children will look like

Even the girl most in love with one single man cannot deny herself such harmless pleasure as an imaginary selection of males. “So, if my ears are with Seryozha’s hair, then I’ll get a great girl. But not a boy! We need a boy from Kolya - he has a wide back and good height.” How is that game The Sims, but completely in 3D.

Babysitting with her pet

Of course, she knows that in front of her is not a human cub, but a large herbivorous lizard of the iguana family. But he still holds out his hands and asks, “Who wants to hold our arms?”

Sometimes dates his ex

The one who was anathematized by all her friends, after he managed to break the girl’s already broken heart four more times. And even though she is now in a stable adult relationship full of mutual respect, but no, no, she will throw herself into the arms of this Beelzebub. Because without him it’s completely boring.


When I was five years old, I was kicked out and asked to be taken away forever. kindergarten. And not because I refused to wear tights in order to maintain the image of a real man, and not even because I ignored quiet time as such by singing songs from cartoons and inducing the whole group to fight with pillows. They kicked me out because I took the whole group for a walk in a nearby park, taking advantage of the fact that the nanny and teacher were carried away by dividing up the sausages intended to feed the group. And neither the fact that I brought the group back exactly to afternoon tea, nor the fact that we walked around the park in orderly rows, breaking up into pairs and without disturbing public order, saved me from expulsion. But exile is only the beginning of the chain of my deep fall.

Due to the busyness of my parents and the absence of other kindergartens in the area, I was mostly at home with a teddy bear without its right hind leg, a one-eyed bald doll and a plastic model of a Maxim machine gun, which crackled delightfully, simulating shooting. Sometimes I was entrusted to a girl named Lesya, a neighbor about twelve years old, whose brother I was friends with. In this case, she simply took me with her and went about her business.
That day, business took us to a bakery. The bakery's assortment was small, but it smelled so much of baked goods and vanilla that I began to involuntarily salivate just from the memories. And in addition to the bread, Lesya, out of humanism, so that I wouldn’t ask too many questions, bought me a bun. And I walked down the street, ate a bun, and life seemed delightful, like in a park with carousels and ice cream. Because there were no adults nearby who forced me to tuck my shirt into my shorts and pull up my socks every five minutes. I walked almost alone, like an adult, wearing an untucked shirt and eating the most delicious bun in the world.
And Lesya, looking at my infectious happiness, asked me to take a bite of the bun that she bought for me.
And then I made a mistake. I showed my whole essence. I answered “no” and pressed the bun with both hands to my chest, elbows out. In silence we reached the house, and just as silently I was launched into my apartment.
Lesya left, and I stood with the remains of the bun in the room, and did not understand where the happiness had gone. I had the bun, but I didn’t have the mood it gave. There was shame for my own greed and the understanding that nothing could be fixed. That I will die with the stigma of a greedy person. But I didn’t find the strength to go to Lesya and apologize.
And now I find it.
Lesya! Forgive me for this childish selfishness. I have grown and improved. And I drew the right conclusions from that action.




SHAMEFUL, shameful, shameful; shameful, shameful, shameful (book). Reprehensible, shameful. A shameful act. “They are shamefully indifferent to good and evil.” Lermontov .

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


See what “SHAMEFUL” is in other dictionaries:

    Shameful, scandalous, disgraceful; shameful, scandalous, inglorious. Ant. glorious, commendable Dictionary of Russian synonyms. shameful see shameful Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z.E. Alec... Synonym dictionary

    SHAMEFUL, oh, oh; den, bottom (high). Such a person should be ashamed, shameful. P. action. Shameful lie. | noun shamefulness, and, female Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Adj. One to be ashamed of; causing a feeling of shame; shameful. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

    Shameful, shameful, shameful, shameful, shameful, shameful, shameful, shameful, shameful, shameful, shameful, shameful, shameful, shameful, shameful, shameful, shameful, shameful, shameful, shameful, shameful, shameful... Forms of words

    shameful- fasting; briefly shape of the den, bottom... Russian spelling dictionary

    shameful- cr.f. posts/den, posts/bottoms, bottom, bottoms; posts/day... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    shameful- Syn: shameful, scandalous, disgraceful Ant: glorious, commendable... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

    Aya, oh; den, dna, bottom. One to be ashamed of; shameful. It's a lie. P. action. P th war. Escape. Slavery. P oh cowardice. ◁ Shameful, adv. P. run away from the enemy. P. to be a coward. * They are indifferent to good and evil (Lermontov).... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    shameful- oh, oh; den, dna, bottom. see also shamefully, shamefully, shamefully One who should be ashamed; shameful. It's a lie. Posts/actions. Third war... Dictionary of many expressions

    shameful- for/shame/n/th… Morphemic-spelling dictionary


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1. Serial stalker (no, not from the movie of the same name)

“When I was 11-12 years old, I showed my feelings for boys in the following way. I found the names of their parents in the phone book, received the number, determined the address and then conveyed all this information to my chosen one,” writes a user with the nickname dumbest (the dumbest), “I was a serial stalker, but for some reason no one called to the police." But it was necessary!

2. Frog Boy (and this is not a mutation)

“When I was 7 years old, my parents and I went to Edinburgh and went to the botanical gardens,” says user novakw, “I was attracted by the giant water lilies. Suddenly I remembered frogs, which jump so coolly from water lily to water lily... Needless to say, the plant could not bear my weight. Not only was I soaked to the skin, but I also had to explain to the administration of the botanical garden why one of their water lilies now had a huge hole in the shape of a child.” Do your children do this?

3. Contract killing (no one was hurt, don't worry)

“There was one guy at school who constantly bullied me. My patience came to an end, and I took out my phone and pretended that I was giving the order to the snipers to shoot to kill,” recalls user randomredditing, “Not only was he not scared, he again made me look like a fool in front of the whole class.” You know how to scare hedgehogs!

4. First kiss (it would be better not to have it)

“I’m 39 years old, but I still can’t get over my first kiss,” admits buffywho, “It was so awkward and shameful. I was 11 or 12 and we were playing spin the bottle at summer camp. I was such a naive girl that I had absolutely no idea what I had gotten myself into. I happened to kiss an older and more experienced boy... When I opened my mouth wide and stepped towards him, he looked at it, backed away and said: “No.” She hasn’t even gone to the ball yet, but the carriage has already turned into a pumpkin!

5. Gift to a lover (he didn’t appreciate it)

“At school, I was in love with a guy who was interested in creativity,” user JunkieMcflunky begins her story. “I found out from mutual friends that he lives a few houses away from me. Instead of chatting with him during recess like a normal person, I decided to get his attention an unusual gift. At 4 am, I sneaked out of the house with a huge bag of trash, got to his house... and scattered trash on his lawn, then rang the doorbell and ran home. The next day I asked if anything unusual was happening to him. When he confirmed that someone had made a garbage dump out of his lawn, I happily said that it was me. My “lover” took note of this and did not speak to me for several months. And what was I thinking? So we are wondering why?

6. Incident at the circus (the clowns really remained)

“When I was 5 or 6 years old, my mother took my brother and me to the circus. She bought us some very cold drinks, and I pierced the glass with a straw, trying to break the ice. The icy red liquid spilled on me and I started crying. The whole circus heard this - just at that moment, the audience, holding their breath, watched the tightrope walker’s performance,” Komacho shares his memories, “They stopped the show and pointed the spotlight at me. And here I sit, covered in red liquid, screaming at the top of my lungs. The spectators decided that something terrible had happened and began to look condemningly at my mother, whose face was even redder. I’m still ashamed in front of her.” So after that, take the kids to the circus!

7. Wrong hugs (children forgot their parents)

“When I went to kindergarten, my mother picked me up. And so I’m waiting for her near the entrance, I see her and run as fast as I can, closing my eyes. I run up, hug, open my eyes... and it’s not my mother,” says ashicolaa, “Apparently, I didn’t aim well enough. At that moment, one of the children began to shout: “Stop hugging my mom!” Indeed, there is no point in hugging other people’s mothers, your own will be offended!

Did you have similar experiences as a child?

Translated and adapted by WuzzUp.

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