November names for girls by day of the month. Names of girls born in November. Names for girls born in November. November names for girls by day of the month Name for Scorpio girl

How do we choose a name for our baby? Often we rely on the popularity of a name, on its exoticism, or through this we express our deep respect for relatives. In all these cases, we rely only on external factors and do not think, or perhaps even do not know, that the name directly affects the fate of the baby!

To select the perfect name that will be a powerful energy support in a child's life, it is necessary to take into account a lot of factors.

By the date of birth, November 23, only some of the qualities of a child can be calculated

For example, for astrological systems (calculation for 11/23/2015 12-00 Moscow)
Zodiac sign - Sagittarius, year - wooden goat.
You can calculate the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, other planets, Lunar nodes, the ascendant and the entire natal chart of the child.

And to say in general terms what the character of the child will be. But this is only a small, superficial part of the analysis of the essence of character. You also need to take into account the influence of parents, who in many respects unconsciously and consciously change the character of the child. It is from the parents that the child removes most of the patterns of behavior and relationships, at an early age copies unconscious stereotypes and takes the energy of the parents for development.

And even if you conduct a thorough analysis, not astrologically, but through a direct analysis of the subtle plans and structure of the soul, to determine the child's life task (what needs to be developed, supported and implemented), the issue of choosing the correct name and assessing the effectiveness of the name's influence still remains adequately unresolved.

You can use the name day data, see which of the outstanding saints was born on this or neighboring days. And what name will you like.

You can add up all the numbers of this day, then add up again and count a certain number of life, the number of character, the number of fate.

There are many different systems for rendering.

If you have a strong intuition, try choosing 2-3 names. Then send your options to

Each parent is worried about their child and wishes with all their hearts that life is pleasant and safe. And if choosing a name for a child can improve his fate, why not take advantage of such a unique opportunity.

Approach the assessment of the effectiveness of the impact of the name on fate consciously.
Give your daughter a name that safely and positively affects her character, condition and life.

  • 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920

Patron Saint: Boris Semyonov, Confessor, Deacon New Martyr, 2000

Name meaning: Frank, kind. They can flare up, but they are quick-witted. They can scream, but immediately hug, kiss. The nervous system is broken, they suffer from dermatitis on a nervous basis.

Compliant in the family, delicious ...

Patron Saint: Alexander Medem, Martyr New Martyr, 2000

Meaning of the name: Alexander is a man of business. Sober, slightly ironic, easy to communicate with people, kind and warm-hearted. By temperament, he is most often sanguine. An excellent athlete, most of all Alexander ...

Patron Saint: Alexy Gorbachev, Martyr New Martyr, 2000

Name meaning: 1. Personality of the male name Alexey. Those who are hiding.

2. Character. 86%.

3. Radiation. 83%.

4. Vibration. 75,000 vibrations / s

5. Color. Blue.

Patron Saint: Dionysius Shchegopev, priest, martyr

Name meaning: Denis - from the Greek. Belonging to Dionysus; Dionysus in ancient mythology is the god of the vital forces of nature, the god of wine; colloquial Denisiy; old. Dionysius.

Derivatives: Deniska, Denya, Denusya, Dusya, ...

Patron Saint: John Skadovsky, Hieromartyr, Priest New Martyr, 2000

The meaning of the name: 1. Personality. Selected Men.

2. Character. 97%.

3. Radiation. 90%.

4. Vibration. 102,000 vibrations / s

5. Color. Orange.

6. Main features. Will is activity -...

Patron Saint: Mikhail Arefiev, Martyr New Martyr, 2000

Meaning of the name: Not stupid, kind. Calculation and emotionality are two antipodes of character. Troubles are taken to heart. Good logical thinking helps to quickly navigate the environment. Basically,...

Patron Saint: Nikolai Smirnov, Martyr New Martyr, 2000

Meaning of the name: NIKOLAI - the winner of the peoples (Greek).

Name days: May 22 - The Monk Martyr Nicholas Vuveni, suffered from the Avars in Thesalia. December 19 - Saint Nicholas the saint, miracle worker, archbishop ...

Patron Saint: Peter Pavlushkov, Hieromartyr, Archpriest New Martyr, 2001

The meaning of the name: 1. Personality. Men of the heart.

2. Character. 96%.

3. Radiation. 98%.

4. Vibration. 114,000 vibrations / s

5. Color. Yellow.

6. Main features. Intuition - activity - ...

Patron Saint: Rodion (Herodion), martyr, bishop, Patras

Girls who were born in November are persistent, stubborn, but at the same time they can be cheerful and cheerful children striving for knowledge. Rather, their persistence lies in achieving their goals. They are accustomed to relying only on their own strengths, from an early age they independently make all decisions. It is very difficult and almost impossible to earn their favor. They do not succumb to deception and it is completely impossible to persuade them into some kind of scam because of their excessive distrust, although material gain is one of the priorities of their life. Often these girls are a vivid example of selfishness and pride, sometimes these qualities can go beyond reasonable limits and are very repulsive to those around them and even people close to them. They will in no way allow themselves to be controlled and in any conflict they will never make concessions, defending their point of view to the last, even if at some point they realize that they were wrong somewhere, but such cases are usually very rare, so as their opinion is usually not unfounded and very prudent. These girls belong to a category of people who finds a way out of any situation, even if they have to behave unworthily or even lose their good name. As friends, as a rule, these girls choose weak-willed, driven, but at the same time patient people who are easy to manage and will tolerate all whims and put their interests first. Having matured and started a family, they occupy dominant positions. They will also assume that their needs come first, which sometimes complicates the life of its domestic inhabitants. But even if their behavior becomes unbearable, they do not notice it.

The name for the November girl is advised to choose a soft and affectionate one in order to make her character complaisant and, with its help, remove excessive stubbornness.

Names for girls born in November by numbers

  1. Miroslava is a Slavic name, formed from two parts "peace" and "glory" - "glorifying the world", "glorified by peacefulness."
  1. Rimma - from Greek "abandoned".
  2. Nora - from lat. "Honored", "important".
  1. Pelageya - Greek. the word πελάγιος (pelagios) is translated as "sea" or "sea".
  2. Sandra is most often a “defender”.
  3. Sylvia - from lat. - "forest".
  1. Anfisa is a Greek name derived from anphos, meaning flower.
  2. Elina - Greek. "Greek".
  1. Evgenia - from the ancient Greek language "noble", "noble".
  2. Daria - from the ancient Persian "gift" - "possessing, possessing" and "vush" - "kind, good".
  1. Anastasia - from the Greek. "Immortal".
  1. Capitolina - from Latin - "born on the Capitol."
  2. Ilona - Greek. "Light".
  3. Edita is Hebrew. on behalf of Judith "Jewess"
  4. Anna - from the Hebrew "graceful, pretty".
  1. Anna - from Hebrew [Khan (n) a] "disposition, benevolence, benevolence."
  2. Neonila - has Greek roots and comes from the word "neos", meaning "young", "new".
  3. Praskovya - Russian version of the Greek name Paraskeva "Saturday eve, Friday".
  1. Asya - from Scandinavian. “Divinely beautiful”, “passionate”.
  2. Anna - from Hebrew [Khan (n) a] "disposition, benevolence, benevolence."
  3. Mary is from Hebrew. "Desired".
  4. Albina - from the word "alba" - "light", "white", "pure".
  1. Anastasia - from the Greek. "Immortal".
  2. Elena - from the Greek means "chosen", "bright".
  3. Alena is a Slavic name that means "beautiful".
  4. Renata - from Latin means "reborn, reborn".
  5. Ilona - Greek. "Light".
  1. Angela is Greek. "Messenger, angel."
  2. Inessa - from ancient Greek. "Innocent".
  3. Sandra - one of the forms of the female name Alexander, meaning "protector of people."
  1. Julia - from the Greek means "curly", "wavy", "fluffy".
  2. Elizabeth - from the Hebrew, in translation means "God is my oath, and I swear by God."
  3. Irma - from Old German. means "peace", "justice".
  1. Anna - from Hebrew [Khan (n) a] "disposition, benevolence, benevolence."
  2. Inga - "under the protection of the god Inga (Yngwie)".
  3. Vita - from Latin. derived from the word "vita" - "life".
  1. Victoria - from the Latin word "Victoria" meaning "victory".
  2. Alice is a short form of the Germanic name Adelaide "noble, noble".
  3. Elizabeth - from Hebrew. "Oath of God".
  4. Eliza, Elsa - means "worshiping God."
  1. Alexandra - on behalf of Greek descent, Alexander "protector of people."
  2. Nina - Saint Nina (Nino), educator of Georgia.
  3. Olesya - close to the word "forest" - "girl from the forest."
  4. Seraphim - from the Late Latin name Seraphinus, derived from the Hebrew name of the six-winged angels, the seraphim means "fiery."
  1. Elizabeth - from Hebrew. "Oath of God".
  2. Angela - formed from the late Latin male Angelus, derived from the Greek "angelos" and means "messenger, angel."
  1. Milena is a Slavic name that means "sweetheart".
  2. Amalia - from the ancient Germanic, translated as "work", "work".
  1. Feoktista - from other Greek. "Created by God."
  2. Martha - from Hebrew, meaning "mistress", "mistress".
  3. Mavra - from the Greek. "Dark", "matte".
  1. Anna - from Hebrew [Khan (n) a] "disposition, benevolence, benevolence."
  2. Olga - from Old Russian. “Holy”, “sacred”, “bright”, “clear”, “wise”, “fatal”.
  1. Stepanida - from. Greek stephanos - "wreath".
  2. Stephanie - from the word "stephanos", means "crown", "crowned".
  1. Karina - from Italian "dear" or "sweet".
  2. Elizabeth - from Hebrew. "Oath of God".
  1. Anna - from Hebrew [Khan (n) a] "disposition, benevolence, benevolence."
  2. Odette - from Greek, means - "fragrant".
  1. Ustinya - from Latin means "fair".

Everyone has long known that a person's name can influence his destiny. That is why the parents-to-be begin to think about the correct choice of the name of the child even before his birth. And if the boys are given strong firm names so that the future man can stand up for himself in adulthood, then the girls are chosen more affectionate and softer, because they are future housewives, mothers, keepers of warmth and comfort in the family. Often the choice of name is associated with the expected date of birth of the baby.

Some parents prefer to look in the calendar so that the child has a strong guardian angel, and some are guided by the astrological data of the girl. Do not forget about the meaning and origin of the name, which are very easy to find out by looking in the thematic literature or looking on the Internet.

What is the best name for a girl born in November

Girls born in November have a strong character. Often they grow up to be tough, self-confident individuals who love to manage other people. But at the same time they are incredibly feminine, charming and charming. They have a very deeply developed sense of intuition, and therefore they are able to immediately notice lies and falsity. Practical November girls are never agreeable, but they rarely show their displeasure openly, preferring to act cunningly and covertly.

Children born in November have an incredible array of talents. They are very creative individuals who are surprisingly easy at music and dancing, drawing and much more. True, sometimes gifted girls do not have enough patience, and they can easily give up their favorite pastime and find another, and so on several times in a row.

Due to the toughness of character, the desire to rule and the vengeful nature, it can be quite difficult for him to find a common language with peers. Therefore, the names for such girls should be very soft, gentle and melodic, with as many diminutive-affectionate pronunciation options as possible.

But, if the parents want their daughter to be a strong leader and not be afraid to stand up for herself in difficult times, then you can choose a name more difficult and “stronger”. Still, do not forget that not only the name influences the fate of the child. Also important is the environment, parental attention and proper parenting.

The most suitable names for November girls would be:

Julia, Anna, Elena, Karina, Victoria, Evdokia, Maria, Claudia, Aurora, Elizabeth, Ulyana, Alena, Agafya, Olga, Pelageya, Nina, Matryona, Olesya, Victoria, Alexandra, Sandra, Martha, Elina, Anfisa, Ioanna, Ilona, \u200b\u200bRenata, Angela, Inessa, Irma, Margarita, Ustinya, Anastasia, Valeria, Veronika.

November girls are very distrustful, they do not forgive lies and deceit, and also try to keep only trusted and close people around them. Like the last month of autumn, a girl born in November will sometimes be harsh and cruel, her arrogance is best interrupted by a soft and feminine name that can bring a little counterbalance to her character. Take a look at the complete list of church names, as well as astrological guidelines for November girls.

How to name a girl born in November - astrology

According to the advice of astrologers, a November girl should be gifted with a melodic and affectionate name that suits her zodiac perfectly, for example:

  • Anna,
  • Irina,
  • Galina,
  • Elizabeth,
  • Caroline,
  • Praskovya,
  • Anastasia,
  • Capitolina,
  • Maria,
  • Sophia,
  • Elizabeth,
  • Nellie,
  • Ulyana,
  • Efrosinya,
  • Clara,
  • Praskovya,
  • Ariadne,
  • Zlata,
  • Claudia,
  • Zinovia,
  • Natalia,
  • Lyudmila.

It is worth refraining from: Margarita, Marina, Ekaterina. These names can resonate with the sensitive nature of the girl and cause her a lot of inconvenience.

How to name a girl born in November - church names

Pay attention to the meaning of some church names in November, so you can give your child a sonorous, meaningful name that will give him the patronage of a saint.

  • November 1 - Cleopatra, which is from the ancient Greek "daughter of a great father."
  • November 2 - Martha, translated from Syrian means "noble", and from the ancient Hebrew "sorrow".
    Matryona, an old word, literal Russian meaning "from the nobility", from Latin has a translation "hostess, guest of honor."
  • November 9 - Capitolina, derived from the Latin name of the great Capitol, the site of the construction of the city of Rome, has a different meaning "above all, regal."
    Ilona - "light", "sun", "fiery torch".
    Ellina - "the shining of a bright light."
    John, this biblical name, literally means "a gift from God."
  • November 14 - Ulyana or Juliana, this is the Russian form of the Slavic name Julia.
    Agrippina or Agrafena.
    Irma, translated from German "belonging to all", and from the ancient Germanic "justice".
  • November 19 - Alexandra, which means “protecting”.
    Nina, from the Hebrew "granddaughter", and from the old Assyrian "queen".
    Claudia or Claudia.
    Olesya - "forest", "forester".
  • November 23 - Anna.
    Olga, the Scandinavian name Helga, means "wisdom and holiness."
  • November 25 - Karina, formed from the Latin "ahead of all", from the Italian "beauty".
    Eliza or Elsa.
  • November 27 - Theodora.
    Odette, which is translated from the Germanic "successor", and from the Greek "grace".
  • November 30 - Ustinya, from the Latin "justice", and from the ancient Slavic word "mouth", literally "speaks the truth."

A November girl just needs a melodic and melodious name, for example, Anastasia, Alexandra, Ekaterina. In addition, it is better to choose names that have several affectionate and formal forms, so the girl will hear more variations in its sound, which is psychologically favorable.

Do not forget that it should go well with the child's surname and patronymic, and also please both parents. If you have opted for different names, then it is better to call the child a double name and give him the opportunity to choose on his own, when he is eighteen years old.

All parents want their child to be happy and ready to do everything to make their dreams come true. Most people start by trying to choose the right name for the baby. Their actions are fully justified. After all, there is an opinion that the name given at birth affects the entire future fate of a person.

How to choose a name

There is no doubt that the choice of a name for a baby will be influenced by:

  • gender of the child;
  • month of his birth;
  • zodiac sign;
  • belonging of parents to a certain religion;
  • baby's birthplace.

From what has been said it follows that the names of girls born in November should differ from the names of those babies who were destined to be born, for example, in May or any other month. It is believed that a girl cannot be called a name that a boy can also wear, for example, Eugenia, Valeria, Alexandra and others like these. Psychologists advise you to pay attention to the fact that the names of the mother and daughter do not match. You cannot name girls after relatives who belonged to past generations.

It is better to choose a name in advance, and not in a hurry. First, you need to give preference to the 2-3 most liked names from the available list. After a while, it will be easier to choose one of them.

Often, parents keep the chosen name a secret, and there is a certain meaning in this that relatives and friends should understand and accept.

How to name a girl born in November

The choice of the name of children, whose month of birth is November, must be approached very carefully. This applies to both male and female names and is due to the fact that the nature of the November birthday is very complex. The wrong choice of name can aggravate all negative character traits. A successful choice of a name will smooth out the shortcomings, making the fate of a person easier.

Here's how to name a girl born in November is not recommended: Ekaterina, Marina, Margarita, Tatiana.

Names such as Elena, Claudia, Anastasia, Maria, Vera, Elizaveta, Natalia, Irina will have a good impact on the character of November girls.

We characterize the name by its sound

Parents, before deciding what to call a girl born in November, need to listen to the sound of the name. It is believed that people whose name ends in a consonant sound are secretive, closed in themselves. The sound [w] in the name indicates that the person is quiet, calculating, he is distinguished by accuracy in everything. The sound [m] in the name "informs" that a person is restless in business, often experiencing mental disharmony.

If there are many vowels in the name, then there is a high probability that its owner will be widely famous.

When the name affects the character

It turns out that a person's character "obeys" the name only if it sounds often. A rare-sounding name does not affect the character or has the opposite effect of what is given in the description.

Taking into account this remark, it becomes important not only how to name a girl born in November, but also the fact of how often parents, relatives, friends will call her by name.

For example, Anastasia can grow up to be a reliable person in deeds, actions and words. She will be open to other people, but at the same time suffer from their failures, taking other people's troubles to her heart, since the girl is pure in soul. The name has a Greek origin, it appeared in Russia with the advent of Christianity, when they began to give names according to the calendar. Similarly, the names Elena and Irina came to the Russian language.

Faith may grow up to be a kind-hearted and simple-hearted woman with a pure soul and thoughts. She will trust people. In household matters, Vera is economical. Sensitivity is her negative trait. The name is of Slavic origin, which is very rare today.

Natalia will have a difficult character, she is characterized by impulsive actions. But she can always console people by showing her soulfulness. The name came from the ancient Roman language, but today it is perceived as primordially Russian.

Elizabeth has a cheerful disposition, she is capable of strong friendship. Peace and well-being in the family is important to her. The name has Hebrew roots.

Combination of name with patronymic

Do not forget that for some peoples a patronymic is added to the name. Their combination also has a certain impact on a person's character. This is why it is extremely important for some parents how names are combined.

In November, such as Elena Sergeevna (she will be an intelligent person) are considered successful combinations; Irina Aleksandrovna will turn out to be a business woman. You can experiment. Having studied the description of the name of the girl and her father, get a new characteristic of the person.

From what has been said, a conclusion suggests itself, the meaning of which is as follows: the choice of a child's name must be approached very carefully, but there are no uniform criteria. Therefore, each family has its own story of choosing a name for a child. It is good if the grown up kid will know what the parents were guided by when they named him with this name.

According to Orthodox traditions, a newborn is baptized on the fortieth day after birth. At the same time, the name is chosen for him according to the calendar - the church calendar, in which every day is dedicated to the memory of one or several saints. Parents can name the child in honor of the saint whose memory is celebrated on the birthday, on the eighth day or on the fortieth day after the birth of the baby. If there are no female names these days, you can call the girl the female version of the male name, or choose another one from those that follow after the birthday. It is believed that at baptism, a child receives a guardian angel in the person of the saint in whose honor he is named, and this patron protects and helps a person throughout his life.

In November, according to the month, name days are celebrated by Agafya, Alexandra, Alena, Anastasia, Anna, Victoria, Glyceria, Evdokia, Elena, Elizabeth, Euphrosyne, Kapitolina, Karina, Klavdia, Maria, Matryona, Nina, Olesya, Olga, Pelageya, Ulyana, Theodora, Theodosia, Theoktista, Julia.

Name for Scorpio girl

Another way of choosing a name, also quite common among young parents, is associated with astrology. The name is chosen depending on how the constellations were located in the sky at the time of the birth of the child and how, according to astrologers, this may affect his character and fate.

It is believed that girls born in November, under the sign of Scorpio, are generously endowed with both intelligence and beauty, and many of them have a magical charm that men cannot resist. However, do not expect softness and complaisance from Scorpio, even if the girls of this sign learn to restrain their emotions, those around them will learn about their displeasure anyway - but in a much more sophisticated way. Scorpios are vindictive and vindictive, therefore, in order to soften their violent temperament, astrologers advise giving "November" very soft, feminine names, or names with meaning - Lilia, Sofia, Elena, Alena, Lada, Love, Vera, Zlata, Daria, Amelia ... Those for whom it is important to "activate" volitional qualities in a girl, to raise a leader who will not depend on the opinions of others and will always go his own way, can choose for her names "firmer" and more difficult - Alice, Alexandra, Valeria, Vassa, Cyrus, Victoria, Martha, Erica, Varvara, Isabella and Isolde.

Choose with love

Whatever name the parents choose for their newborn daughter, it is important to take it seriously - after all, the name is given for life, and it is important that the child feels comfortable with it. A name is the first gift a parent gives to their child. Choose it with love.

Little princesses, born in November, are distinguished by their quick-wittedness, purposefulness, sharp mind and are very fond of being capricious. Even November girls are distinguished by adherence to principles, scrupulousness, purposefulness and a proud disposition, excessive obstinacy. How to call such a crumb? Which name to prefer the rest, in order to smooth out some of the harsh character traits presented to her in the last month of autumn?

Girls born in November are interesting, funny, somewhat stubborn, but purposeful. Also, November girls are distinguished by their seriousness, frugality and integrity. To smooth out the harsh sides of character a little, the names of girls born in November should be soft. And it will be even better if the chosen name for the November girl means kindness, tenderness, calmness.

What is the character of people born in November?

Consider the character traits of those born in November. November- “November” people are too calculating, ready for unseemly actions for the sake of material gain. They are selfish, envious.

These people are stingy for everyone, even for loved ones. But they do not regret anything for themselves: they can go on vacation with the last money, although then the family will live from hand to mouth for a long time. Women are narcissistic, sloppy, selfish. In the family, they are leaders, do not take into account the opinion of the spouse, often cheat on him, without even trying to hide it. Indiscriminate in relationships, lustful. They choose spineless husbands for themselves, and they have to endure a lot from their spouses.

What names can be given to November girls?

Given the nature of those born in November, the choice of a name must be approached very carefully. Names are undesirable: Tatiana, Margarita, Marina, Ekaterina - negative character traits will be aggravated.

However, the names listed below can improve the character of the "November" children: Elena, Cleopatra, Kapitolina, Efrosinya, Claudia, Eugenia, Nastasya, Maria, Elizaveta, Natalia, Irina, Vera.

Girls born in November can be given names such as:











If your family is a believer, then you can choose Christian names. According to ancient tradition, the child is given the name of one of the righteous, and the Saint becomes the child's protector until the end of his life. For Orthodox Christians, this tradition is of great importance. What is the correct name for a Saint? They choose the name of the Saint, on the day of memory of which the baby was born. Unfortunately, according to the Holy Calendar, not all days have names for girls born in November. What to do in this case? Church law says: the names of the Saints can be chosen not only on the very birthday of the baby, but also until the eighth day after birth.

Calendar for November

There is an opinion that November girls grow up selfish, selfish and selfish, perhaps such traits appear due to the harsh November weather. To mitigate these character traits, you can endow the girl with a soft name, and in childhood, as often as possible, call her a gentle diminutive name. Softening names for girls born in November might be:








In Muslim families, parents can give a girl such a name as:

Dinara (gold)

Zuhra (illuminating, morning star)

Faina (radiant)

Esfira and Yulduz (star).

When choosing names for girls, especially November ones, carefully, do not forget that the name affects the character of the child.

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