Causes of hemorrhoids in early pregnancy. Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy and after childbirth. Hemorrhoid treatment requires compliance with several rules

Rectum diseases in pregnant women are very common! And this is not surprising. The pressure on the vessels during this period doubles. What treatment for hemorrhoids during pregnancy is considered safe for the fetus?

Doctors-proctologists identify several risk groups for the occurrence of hemorrhoids. One of them is pregnant women and mothers who have given birth.

The formation of such a specific group is not accidental and is dictated by medical practice. Hemorrhoids are diagnosed in 25 - 40% of girls in position, as well as in 30 - 70% of women in childbirth. The older the woman is, the higher the probability of diagnosing pathology.

Features of the course of hemorrhoids in pregnant women
Manifestation The disease often manifests itself in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy and after childbirth.
Reasons for the appearance Increased intra-abdominal pressure on the veins and vessels of the pelvis, an increase in the volume of circulating blood, an increase in progesterone levels, constipation, a sedentary image.
Main complaints Pain during bowel movements, itching and burning in the anal region, bleeding.
How to treat Diet (dietary fiber, plenty of fluids, semi-liquid food).

Depending on the duration of pregnancy, after consulting a doctor, it is possible to use creams, ointments, suppositories, phlebotropic drugs.

How to prevent Avoid straining during bowel movements, empty your bowels every morning, replace toilet paper with warm water, eat more fruits, vegetables, cereals, drink plenty of water.

Symptoms of the disease appear suddenly, and the lump can come out after 1 bowel movement

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy must be treated in the early stages of development. The ideal option is considered therapy and prevention even before pregnancy!

Why is this happening

Varicose veins are the most common ailment in pregnant women

Pregnancy and childbirth are a powerful provoking factor.

While the fetus is growing, the uterus is constantly growing in size. Its pressure on the internal organs and blood vessels of various organs is constantly increasing. It is the hemorrhoids that are most adversely affected.

The main causes of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

  • Enlargement of the uterus
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Impaired blood flow in the lower body
  • Frequent constipation
  • Chronic diseases: varicose veins and blood vessels, atherosclerosis, etc.

Constipation makes the disease worse

Signs of manifestation

Symptoms of hemorrhoids during pregnancy, which indicate the development of pathology:

  1. Itching and burning after stool;
  2. Traces of blood on underwear, toilet rim;
  3. Feeling of incomplete bowel movement;
  4. Painful sensations when walking, prolonged sitting position;
  5. Appearance.

What does pathology look like? In most cases, there are dense red-blue hemorrhoids that can burst over time.

Complication of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Thrombosis of external hemorrhoids occurs more often. They enlarge greatly, become dense and painful. Thrombosis occurs suddenly, even without a long mention of yourself.

After going to the toilet, expectant mothers often have internal hemorrhoids after a bowel movement. They can be injured, causing bleeding.

Hard stools often become a source of blood flow after a bowel movement. It is necessary to avoid constipation and prolonged sitting in the toilet. Pregnant women often complain of the appearance of an anal fringe. It does not disturb, but creates an alarming signal about the acute course of the disease.

At the first symptoms of hemorrhoidal disease, it is necessary to contact your doctor.

A specialist should refer a woman who will conduct a thorough diagnosis and choose an individual treatment strategy.

Can Hemorrhoids Treat During Pregnancy? Depends on the stage of development and gestational age. In the early months of gestation, conservative therapy is required. In later stages, treatment can be carried out immediately after childbirth.

Effective treatment

How to get rid of inflammation? If hemorrhoids are diagnosed during pregnancy, treatment is prescribed by a proctologist. During the period of fetal formation, therapeutic therapy is selected on an individual basis. It depends on the general condition of the patient and the duration of pregnancy.

Only a doctor can select effective drugs that will not harm

What is the best tactic of treating pregnant women today?

Research shows that a threefold approach yields optimal results:

  • Application of local remedies. These are rectal suppositories, anti-inflammatory cream and ointment, anesthetic gel.
  • Prescribing phlebotonics drugs that improve blood flow.
  • A diet based on foods high in fiber.

Such complex treatment of hemorrhoids gives excellent results in the initial stages of its development.

When a pregnant woman becomes a patient of a proctologist, the doctor must exercise the utmost caution when prescribing oral medications. Careful testing of the effect of any drug on the fetus is necessary. After all, even medicinal herbs can be harmful in such a situation.

Until now, natural local remedies prevail in the treatment of diseases of pregnant women. As a rule, these are suppositories based on sea buckthorn oil. However, there are also proven medicines for internal and external use.

All drugs for hemorrhoids during pregnancy should be used strictly after consultation with a gynecologist and proctologist.

More often, to stop the inflammatory process and the development of the disease, they are prescribed:

Ointments approved for use by pregnant women are necessary if hemorrhoids are detected in their external form. Usually doctors prescribe, as well as Posterisan, Bezornil or.

All of these funds are considered safe for the fetus and therefore can be successfully used in the treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant women. However, each remedy must certainly be prescribed by a doctor. It is possible that the doctor recommends a certain combination of drugs to achieve the best effect.

Traditional medicine for expectant mothers

How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy if medications are contraindicated? Folk remedies will come to the rescue.

For minor pain and itching in the anus, it is recommended to wash off with cool water. Even better, if washing is done with infusions / decoctions of dandelion, chamomile, wormwood, nettle or snake mountaineer. If possible, lotion should be done with the listed herbs.

It is better to coordinate water procedures with a doctor.

They will quickly relieve itching and pain in the anus.

Compresses from raw potatoes or beets will help get rid of hemorrhoids. Vegetables must be coarsely grated, wrapped in gauze and applied to the anal area.

You can also make your own rectal suppositories. They are cut from raw peeled potatoes or molded from crystallized honey. In the second case, a homemade suppository must be kept in the refrigerator before administration.

Prevention of pathology

Daily Prevention Will Minimize Disease

According to medical statistics, it is not uncommon for pregnant women to suffer from unpleasant pain caused by hemorrhoids. Experts explain this by the arising pressure of the uterus growing along with the fetus on the rectum.

In this place, a person has special plexuses that swell under the pressure of the uterus at the time of defecation and contribute to the development of hemorrhoids.

Why do you need to get rid of hemorrhoids during pregnancy urgently?

There is a misconception that hemorrhoids do not pose a particular danger to the health of the expectant mother. Doctors-gynecologists often refute it. After all, hemorrhoids cause not only discomfort, but can significantly complicate the course of pregnancy and even affect the process of childbirth.

In addition, regular bleeding from the anus contributes to anemia, which worsens the condition of the expectant mother, both during pregnancy and in the postpartum stage.

How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy with medicines

Medical practice shows that hemorrhoids are successfully treated during pregnancy by conservative methods. Doctors do not recommend self-medication, because there are a great many drugs for hemorrhoids on the pharmaceutical market, but their selection for each pregnant woman should be carried out individually.

The main drugs for getting rid of hemorrhoids for expectant mothers are:

  1. An effective remedy ointment and suppositories "Relief" for local use. A preparation based on shark liver has been made, which has an active healing effect and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the walls of blood vessels. This drug can be used both during gestation and after the birth of a child.
  2. Iodine-containing candles "Neo-Anusol" are an excellent remedy for hemorrhoids, the only contraindication of which is iodine intolerance.
  3. Inexpensive drug "Posterisan", release forms: ointment and suppositories.
  4. The well-proven remedy "Procto-Glivenol" helps even with particularly complex forms of the disease. Among the contraindications are: do not use in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  5. The cheap remedy for hemorrhoids "Hepatrombin" is also used at the preparatory stage before surgical interventions.
  6. Suppositories with sea buckthorn contributing to the rapid healing of tissues at the site of hemorrhoidal formations. You can use the drug for a long time.
  7. In the initial, non-started stages of the disease, a useful heparin ointment is used.

The best remedy for the treatment of the expectant mother, which will be safe for her condition and the health of the baby, will be selected by the attending physician, having studied the medical history.

With advanced forms of hemorrhoids, pregnant women are advised to remove hemorrhoids without surgery. This procedure is carried out under local anesthesia; it does not pose a health risk to the expectant mother. The degree of neglect of the disease is determined by the attending physician.

Among the procedures by means of which you can remove hemorrhoids during pregnancy, there are:

  • sclerotherapy - under the action of a special device, which the doctor inserts into the formed node, the vessels begin to grow together, and after a week the hemorrhoidal node dies off;
  • treatment of hemorrhoids with latex rings, which pinch the node and block the access of blood to it, due to which the formation that causes hemorrhoids dies off;
  • impact on the hemorrhoid with a laser or a special device with infrared rays - this method is used to treat advanced forms of hemorrhoids 2 and 3 degrees.

The above methods of treating hemorrhoids do not carry any danger to the health of the expectant mother. As for surgical intervention, they try to completely avoid it when treating pregnant women. Surgery is rarely used only with a particularly advanced acute form of hemorrhoids.

How can you treat hemorrhoids at home?

Sometimes recipes of traditional medicine help to treat external and internal hemorrhoids during pregnancy. They are advised to be used in combination with conservative methods of treating this disease. Popular tips from traditional practitioners are:

  1. Swallowing garlic cloves, which will come out of the anus undigested, and cauterize the resulting ulcers with their substances.
  2. With hemorrhoids, a prepared vitamin mixture of equal amounts of dried apricots, raisins and prunes helps. Such a mixture is mixed with flower honey and applied in a tablespoon before each meal.
  3. An infusion made from viburnum berries is considered useful. To prepare it, 50 g of dried berries are poured over 250 ml of boiling water and cooked over low heat for 25 minutes. Apply a tablespoon of infusion before each meal.
  4. Juice from fresh rowan berries is considered to be a well-recommended remedy for hemorrhoids. Pregnant women should drink it at least 3 times a day, 100 ml each with a glass of cool water. If desired, the juice can be slightly sweetened by adding a teaspoon of honey to it.

These folk remedies will not harm the health of expectant mothers.

But in any case, you should not be treated only with traditional medicine methods, it is important to be able to correctly combine them with conservative treatment.

Methods for treating ailment after pregnancy

For the treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth, the same drugs are recommended that can be used to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy. These drugs do not penetrate into breast milk and are absolutely safe for both the health of a young mother and a newly born baby. These include:

  • ointment and candles "Relief";
  • candles "Neo-Anusol";
  • ointment and candles "Posterisan";
  • means "Procto-glivenol";
  • the drug "Hepatrombin";
  • candles with sea buckthorn;
  • heparin ointment.

In addition to these drugs, for the treatment of hemorrhoids, young mothers can use Vishnevsky ointment, which helps to quickly get rid of swelling and inflammation. Before applying the product, doctors advise taking a bath with diluted potassium permanganate in order to disinfect and dry the inflamed areas a little.

Quite good reviews of women who fought with hemorrhoids in the postpartum period have Troxevasin ointment.

In the initial stages, the disease is treated with candles with a medicinal herbal calendula, which effectively and quickly heals wounds and small cracks.

Suppositories based on propolis have a tangible anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to their use, pain syndrome is quickly eliminated. The drug is contraindicated for mothers who have allergic reactions to bee products.

Prevention: diet and lifestyle

Whatever the effective treatment for hemorrhoids, it is better for pregnant women to do everything possible to avoid the formation of hemorrhoids. Experts recommend following the following tips, which will serve as good preventive measures for this disease:

  1. Getting rid of regular constipation and normalizing proper bowel function is the best prevention method. To do this, pregnant women should follow a diet that includes healthy fruits and vegetables. Dried apricots, prunes, carrots, green apples, broccoli, cauliflower, beets and potatoes are useful for good bowel function. In the morning, expectant mothers are advised to eat barley oatmeal. It is better to exclude from your diet: too fatty meat, alcohol, baked goods, spicy and salty dishes.
  2. Performing gymnastic exercises helps to avoid harmful blood congestion in the pelvic organs. To do this, in the supine position, you need to raise the pelvis up and be in this state for several minutes. As a prophylaxis of the disease, circular movements of the pelvis in a standing position are useful.
  3. Expectant mothers should give up long walks and work while sitting or standing.

Following these simple tips will keep pregnant women healthy and well-being.

Pregnant women often face this problem. It greatly complicates the life of the expectant mother. It is very important to start the treatment of hemorrhoids on time during pregnancy, otherwise from month to month the woman's condition will only worsen, and childbirth will provoke a sharp exacerbation of the disease.

There are various reasons for the manifestation of the disease in expectant mothers. Most often, the disease appears in the second half of pregnancy. This is because the already significantly enlarged uterus exerts strong pressure on the hemorrhoidal venous plexus.

Improper nutrition, heredity, and an inactive lifestyle can also aggravate the situation and provoke the rapid development of the disease. If the expectant mother suffers from severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels, has tumors that prevent normal blood circulation in the pelvis, they can also lead to hemorrhoids.

Less often, a problem may appear in the first and second trimester. At the very beginning, this happens because the girl suffers from frequent constipation, which leads to an increase in progesterone in the body. From the 13th week, a pregnant woman can spend a lot of time in bed due to toxicosis and poor health in general. A passive lifestyle can lead to stagnation of blood in the pelvic veins and, accordingly, to hemorrhoids.

Symptoms and signs of the disease

In order to notice a serious problem in themselves in time and start the correct treatment, expectant mothers should carefully study all the symptoms of hemorrhoids. First of all, it is necessary to note common signs.


  • discomfort in the anus and the entire anus;
  • discomfort (or pain) when using the toilet;
  • minimal bleeding during bowel movements;
  • inflammation of the rectal mucosa.

The rest of the symptoms will vary, depending on the type of ailment.

External hemorrhoids

With this type of problem, even before the appearance of noticeable external nodes, the girl will feel constant itching in the anal area, notice blood on toilet paper. Soon after the first symptoms, hemorrhoids around the anus begin to be easily felt. They can be noticed even on their own without the help of a doctor.

This type of disease causes severe discomfort only during periods of exacerbation. The rest of the time, it is practically not felt by the expectant mother.


With an internal type of problem, he feels moisture in the anus, an unpleasant sensation of a foreign object appears in the rectum. Under stress (for example, straining while emptying the intestines), the nodes may fall out. Back they have to be returned manually.

When neglected, such hemorrhoids give a pregnant woman severe pain. The woman cannot sit or even walk, suffers from severe bleeding. The knots that have dropped out can no longer be set back.

Combined hemorrhoids

This type of ailment combines internal and external symptoms. At the acute stage, the girl notices bloody discharge or full bleeding from the anus. And also: to feel a burning sensation and itching, heaviness in the problem area, the presence of a foreign object in the anus, pain when visiting the toilet, which can also be given to the abdominal organs.

During the period of remission, the burning sensation and pain are insignificant, they can be easily tolerated. Tiny sacs are felt in the anus.

How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Understanding how to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy, it is very important to immediately consult a specialist. In this important period for every woman, in no case should you select medicines for yourself on your own. Some popular advertised drugs can harm an unborn baby.


Rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy act in several directions at once. They constrict blood vessels, facilitate the process of bowel movement, relieve and prevent inflammation, relieve or completely relieve pain.

The list of the best candles from the discussed ailment, allowed for women in an "interesting position", includes the following:

  • Relief. It is an inexpensive remedy that quickly relieves pain and heals cracks. True, it is prohibited in diabetes mellitus.
  • Natalsid. Made exclusively from safe natural ingredients. Heal wounds, stop blood, fight inflammation, and facilitate bowel movements. Approved for use at any stage of pregnancy.
  • Hepatrombin. Allowed from the second trimester. They help even with advanced forms of the problem. They can also be used for prophylaxis. Effective against all types of ailments.


Often, the doctor prescribes the expectant mother and ointments for hemorrhoids. They are especially convenient to use for the external type of illness, when it can be unpleasant and even painful to insert candles. Ointments are relevant for the prolapse of hemorrhoids.

The best drugs in this group:

  • Ichthyol. Relieves pain, destroys dangerous microbes, reduces inflammation, dries out, prevents suppuration and even improves blood circulation in the treated areas. This ointment does an excellent job of treating symptoms, but it is not able to completely cure the disease. Therefore, it should only be an addition to the main complex therapy.
  • Heparin. Relieves inflammation, prevents blood clots from forming, and copes with existing blood accumulations. Some of the active ingredients of such an ointment relieve pain well and quickly.
  • Vishnevsky ointment. It activates blood circulation in problem areas, kills pathogens, enhances local immunity and relieves inflammation.
  • Fleming's ointment. Natural preparation without contraindications (except for intolerance to its ingredients). It is used for mild external ailment. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels in the problem area, dries out damaged areas, relieves pain.


For the treatment of hemorrhoids in expectant mothers, capsules and tablets are also prescribed. Often they become the main way to deal with the problem, and ointments and suppositories only complement it. Such drugs primarily have a venotonic effect.

The best medicines in this group are:

  1. Detralex. Reduces the elasticity of blood vessels and increases their tone. Normalizes blood flow in the rectum. Reduces the size of hemorrhoids. Relieves the main symptoms of the problem.
  2. Troxevasin. Reduces vascular fragility, improves capillary / vein tone. The use of such capsules for more than 3 days improves blood circulation in the problem area, reduces the size of hemorrhoids, relieves itching, pain.
  3. Aescusan. It is a medicated oral solution containing safe herbal ingredients. It copes well with blood congestion in the vessels, and generally reduces the severity of symptoms.

Folk remedies

Natural natural remedies for hemorrhoids are considered the safest. But not for pregnant women! During this period, it is very important to consult with your doctor about taking any herbs and other traditional medicines. Any plant, even the most harmless at first glance, and decoctions / infusions / baths from it can cause serious harm to the expectant mother and her baby.

For oral administration, you can prepare a paste of prunes, dried apricots, and raisins (only 300 g of dried fruits), as well as 1 tbsp. honey. All ingredients must be ground in a blender. Take the resulting paste in 1 tbsp. l. before every main meal.

Other homemade natural medicines:

  • Pour 2 tbsp. l. viburnum berries 1 tbsp. boiling water. Simmer the mixture over low heat for 35 minutes. Bring to the original amount with boiled water. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day between main meals.
  • According to the above scheme, prepare a decoction of 1 tbsp. boiling water and 1 tbsp. l. crumbled dried drupe leaves. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day warm.
  • Squeeze the juice from the rowan berries. Take it in 3 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day with clean cool water. You can add sugar to sour juice.

You can also make suppositories yourself. For example, for sea buckthorn candles, you will need to twist a cotton pad with a tight tube, dip it in sea buckthorn oil, and then use it as directed. Hold - at least a quarter of an hour. The pharmacy also sells ready-made natural candles made from sea buckthorn oil. They are more convenient to use.

Another recipe for homemade "candles" is made from freshly squeezed celandine juice. A cotton swab is dipped into it, after which it is inserted into the anus for half an hour. After 3 days, the duration of the procedure can be increased to 45 minutes, and after another three days - up to 60 minutes.

Raw potatoes are also used as healing natural candles. From it you need to cut a figure of a suitable shape and size, and then insert it into the anus. You can just apply pieces of raw potatoes to the sore spot. The procedure should last at least an hour. Every 15 minutes, you should change a slice of vegetable to a fresh one.

If warm baths are not prohibited for a pregnant woman, you can do them with the addition of various plants. To prepare an effective healing agent, take nettle herb, chamomile flowers and dried plantain leaves (20 g each). The mixture is poured with 2 liters of boiling water and infused for at least 2.5 hours in a warm place. Then add water to a total volume of 5 liters. You need to sit in warm (not hot!) Liquid for 7-8 minutes. The procedure is repeated daily for 10 days.

It must be remembered that such baths are categorically contraindicated in case of increased uterine tone.

To prepare lotions, pour 2 dessert spoons of flax seeds with 500 ml of water and cook the mixture under a lid for 20 minutes. The cooled medicine must be filtered. In it, cotton swabs are moistened and applied to the problem area. It is advisable to leave the lotion for 2 hours.

Therapeutic diet for hemorrhoids

A prerequisite for effective treatment of hemorrhoids is a special diet. The menu includes a large number of products that have a positive effect on peristalsis. For example, boiled / raw beets, as well as any fresh vegetables. It is advisable to eat beet salad daily (from boiled or baked vegetables), seasoned with any vegetable oil.

It is useful to add any greens to the diet. The main thing is not to chop it too finely. Better to tear with your hands.

Cereals (oat, millet, buckwheat, barley), nuts, whole grain bread, bran, dried fruits are obligatory. It is advisable to include in the menu pickled vegetables, fresh fruits, berries, fermented milk drinks (especially kumis), seaweed in any form.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are so common that prevention of hemorrhoids should be started in the early stages of every expectant mother. Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is difficult: firstly, not all drugs and methods can be used during pregnancy, and secondly, therapy should be as effective as possible, since even the initial stages of hemorrhoids can not only cause inconvenience and discomfort, but also affect health women and fetus. Thirdly, hemorrhoids untreated before childbirth during delivery can be significantly aggravated, especially during the period of attempts. And after childbirth, this delicate problem gives mothers inconvenience both in the process of defecation due to a combination with some intestinal atony, and when carrying the baby in their arms: lifting even minor weights can cause pain and bleeding. What are the reasons for the development of the disease during pregnancy, how to avoid it, and what are the treatment methods for pregnant women?

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy: causes of the development of the disease

According to statistics, hemorrhoids develop in almost 70% of women during gestation, and if we talk about the ratio of the presence of a diagnosis between women who have given birth and who have not given birth, then there are five mothers per woman without children.
At the same time, the process of natural childbirth with its period of attempts is often blamed for the development of hemorrhoids. However, mothers who have undergone a caesarean section also suffer from an exacerbation of the disease. And childbirth itself is not the cause of the development of pathology, but only a factor in which the existing disease with hidden, not pronounced symptoms is exacerbated.

The reasons for the incidence of hemorrhoids during pregnancy are associated with both the physiological characteristics of the body and insufficient prevention of the disease. The onset of the disease can be detected at different stages of gestation: in the first trimester of pregnancy, and in the second, and immediately before childbirth.

The provocateurs of the development of the disease during gestation are:

  • the changing hormonal background of the body. High levels of the hormone progesterone have a relaxing effect on the walls of blood vessels and smooth muscles;
  • increased intra-abdominal pressure, when the growing uterus and fetus press on the surrounding organs, slowing down the movement of feces in the lower intestines and affecting the blood flow rate;
  • difficulty defecating, constipation before and during gestation. Stretched rectal walls can hardly cope with the movement of contents;
  • overweight, lack of physical activity, unbalanced diet, rich in fast carbohydrates, etc.

Some of the factors that influence the development of hemorrhoids are physiological and cannot be changed. However, given these data, it is necessary to be more careful about the presence of others: excess weight, physical inactivity, malnutrition, intestinal dysfunction. It is the combination of gestational factors and those that can be avoided that often causes the onset of hemorrhoids.
An additional condition that increases the risks of the disease is the long-term use of hormonal contraceptives before conception: such drugs for the most part have a negative effect on the walls of blood vessels and can also become factors in the provocation of hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids is a disease, the prevention of which is proper nutrition, which contributes to the timely cleansing of the intestines, physical activity, hygiene of the anus.

Does a pregnant woman need to be treated for hemorrhoids?

Pregnancy is a special period when expectant mothers prefer to do without unnecessary medical intervention, limiting themselves to the recommendations of a gynecologist. Treatment of hemorrhoids is often postponed until after childbirth, which is highly undesirable. Why?

  • The disease can be accompanied by latent internal bleeding, which causes anemia - a condition that is dangerous for both the pregnant woman herself and the fetus.
  • Untreated hemorrhoids can progress during childbirth with any method of delivery, moving to stages in which local therapy is no longer necessary.
  • After giving birth, mature mothers have much more worries, and caring for a child not only leaves no time for taking care of their health, but can also aggravate the course of the disease, as well as the peculiarities of the body's functioning in the recovery period.

You can treat with a large selection of drugs and techniques, this is a fact. However, often the stages that could be stopped in a pregnant woman with local therapy after the birth of a child require a longer and more intensive course. The chronic course of hemorrhoids often begins after childbirth when the pregnant woman refuses treatment during gestation: the visit to the doctor is postponed, and the disease turns into a long, intractable form.

Stages of development of hemorrhoids

There are four stages of the disease:

  • at the first, the pregnant woman experiences discomfort during the act of defecation, pain is possible, emptying the intestines is difficult. This stage may be accompanied by visible bleeding. Hemorrhoids are present, but often only visible on examination by a specialist. Loss of nodes is possible with strong straining, but they adjust on their own. This stage is often ignored and not perceived as a disease;
  • in the second stage, a feeling of itching in the anus, heaviness, pulling pain that can radiate to the lumbar region, sacrum is added to the symptom complex;
  • the third stage of hemorrhoids is characterized by increased pain, discharge. Hemorrhoids of the second degree fall out when visiting the toilet, physical effort, lifting weights, with the development of the disease, prolapse of the nodes is accompanied by even a slight increase in intra-abdominal pressure when sneezing, coughing. The nodes are set only manually, without being pulled in on their own;
  • at the fourth, most dangerous stage, the nodes are not reduced, which threatens tissue necrosis. As a rule, this stage is accompanied by severe pain, vein thrombosis and massive bleeding.

Hemorrhoid therapy at different stages of gestation

Hemorrhoids, depending on the stage of the disease, can be treated with both medications and surgical methods. The choice of therapy should be entrusted to a specialist: based on the diagnosis and gestational age, he will select the best option.
The drugs recommended for the treatment of hemorrhoids in a pregnant woman include:

  • in the first trimester and throughout pregnancy, suppositories with sea buckthorn oil, suppositories and Relief ointment can be used. However, it is worth remembering that in the second and further stages of the disease, these drugs are effective only as part of complex therapy;
  • Hepatrombin G in the form of rectal suppositories, ointments, gel can be used starting from the second trimester. This drug is also recommended in preparation for surgical therapy;
  • Neo-Anusole in the form of rectal suppositories is allowed throughout the entire gestation period, if the patient does not have thyroid pathologies.

As a systemic therapy, a specialist can prescribe Ascorutin, Troxevasin and other drugs that improve the condition of the vascular walls. It is worth remembering that pregnant women are categorically prohibited from medicines containing belladonna extract, which are present in some suppositories, and some of the drugs are recommended for use only at certain gestation periods.
Hemorrhoids of the second and third stages in most cases lend themselves to conservative treatment, although surgery is often optimal. Pregnancy is not a contraindication for such non-surgical treatment methods as:

  • sclerotherapy, introduction of sclerosing drugs into the hemorrhoid node. The technique does not require a hospital stay and has a quick rehabilitation period;
  • ligation of the inner knot with latex rings. The technique is minimally invasive and does not harm either the mother or the child during pregnancy;
  • coagulation of tissue of the node using infrared radiation or a laser beam also refers to procedures that are safe for expectant mothers.

Hemorrhoids are not uncommon in pregnant women. Less than 8% of non-pregnant women suffer from it, more than 25% of pregnant women and almost 50% of those who have just given birth. At the same time, popular rumor believes that hemorrhoids are almost a normal state of a pregnant woman, and therefore many women are in no hurry to tell the doctor about their problem. However, an advanced disease can cause a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin (anemia), diseases of the musculoskeletal system such as arthritis, chronic inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system. How is hemorrhoids treated during pregnancy?

The severity of the disease depends on its degree and the progression only complicates the treatment. So, if the first asymptomatic in pregnant women can be cured only by diet correction, regular exercise and a hygienic regimen, then in the later stages, combined drug treatment, minimally invasive procedures, and even a real surgical operation are necessary.

Even if a woman is diagnosed with the initial degree of development of the disease, she does not need it yet. At an early stage, the same methods will be effective as for prevention: with the help of proper nutrition and hygiene of the anus.

This treatment is carried out at home and gives excellent results. In addition, a pregnant woman, especially one who is already on maternity leave, should not lie and sit a lot. A moderately active lifestyle is required: walks, gymnastics.

Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy at the 2nd stage

You can not do without drugs that are used in a complex, that is, both outside and inside.

Outside, candles, ointments, gels, creams are most often used, which have anti-inflammatory, laxative, vasoconstrictor and analgesic properties. You cannot use them on your own, especially for a pregnant woman, therefore consultation and appointment of a doctor is required.

Pregnant women are primarily treated with topical medications, since they do not negatively affect the fetus, which increases the effectiveness of treatment.

They are made on the basis of cocoa butter or lanolin. Also, local anesthetics (novocaine, benzocaine, anesthesin) are added to their composition for quick pain relief.

To relieve inflammation, glucocorticoid hormones are used topically - prednisone, which also reduces the burning sensation and itching. However, such drugs are contraindicated if there are fungal, viral and other infectious lesions of the rectum.

Rectal suppositories are inserted into the rectum after a bowel movement. The candle is injected warm, lying on its side, holding it for a couple of minutes in the anal canal to dissolve. The ointment is applied after a hygienic shower in a thin layer 3-4 times a day.

Local agents containing heparin are widely used. They are especially preferred, but contraindicated in case of a violation of the blood coagulation system.

For spasm of the sphincter of the anus, suppositories with diphenhydramine are used, and preparations of shark liver, vitamin A, sea buckthorn oil are used to accelerate healing.

In many medicines, the basic therapeutic ones are combined. So, the composition of ultraproct, anestezol, proctoglyvenol includes astringent and anti-inflammatory components and anesthetic. Hepatrombin G contains prednisone, anesthetic and heparin. Relief Advance contains shark liver oil and benzocaine anesthetic.

During pregnancy, some local remedies are still contraindicated. These are anusole and bellatamine candles, which contain belladonna extract. Their use can provoke an abortion.

Systemic drugs are prescribed in the form of capsules and tablets. More often these are the so-called vetotonics - means that increase the tone and strengthen the vein wall. They are used in courses of 2-3 weeks. Detralex is considered the most effective.

Hemorrhoids are also treated with drugs from other pharmaceutical groups:

  • troxerutin (troxevasin),
  • ginkor forte,
  • chime,
  • pentoxifylline and even aspirin.

All of these drugs are allowed to be used during pregnancy. To facilitate bowel movements and reduce straining, laxatives are used:

  • forlax,
  • prelax,
  • regulax,
  • duphalac.

During pregnancy, the use of laxatives such as drugs is contraindicated:

  1. buckthorns,
  2. senna,
  3. bisacodyl,
  4. phenolphthalein

These medicines can cause an increase in uterine tone.

Late stage

Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy at the last stage of the disease is already underway. However, for a pregnant woman, the operation will be postponed until delivery, or rather, in a couple of months. Until then, drugs will be prescribed that will temporarily help reduce the manifestation of the disease and relieve pain symptoms.

Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids is prescribed only in cases when a woman already has a prolapse of hemorrhoids, which can no longer be adjusted into the rectal lumen. Also, the operation is necessary in the presence of acute complications: his infringement, acute inflammation.

Emergency hospitalization is necessary for necrosis and infringement of prolapsed hemorrhoids, profuse bleeding. Such patients undergo (bloodless) surgery or hemorrhoidectomy (excision of nodes).

The cost of such an operation in a paid clinic reaches 30 thousand rubles. It includes hospitalization for several days, the cost of disposable TGD instruments, anesthesia, standard examinations before surgery, medicines, and the operation itself. More gentle procedures are:

  • sclerosing injections,
  • ligation,
  • and infrared photocoagulation.

Folk remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

There are cases when medications do not help or there is no way to see a doctor on time. Then you can try home treatment with folk methods.

The candle can be placed by shaving it out of a raw potato. Such a candle is put on all night. Also put on aspen leaves for a couple of hours.

Tampons dipped in celandine juice are also popular, which are placed in the anus and hold from 30 minutes to an hour. One of the most popular medicines for hemorrhoids is sea buckthorn oil. You can buy it or make it yourself.

For treatment, compresses of gauze soaked in oil are used, changing them 3-4 times a day and leaving it overnight. You can also enhance the effect by taking the oil internally. A tablespoon of oil on an empty stomach is taken half an hour before breakfast.

Prevention of the occurrence of hemorrhoids in pregnant women

This disease is much easier to prevent than to cure. And since all pregnant women are at risk of hemorrhoids, they need to take preventive measures throughout pregnancy without waiting for the onset of symptoms of the disease.

The first preventive measure is stool normalization. Pregnant women almost universally suffer from constipation, which leads to the development of hemorrhoids. Therefore, the elimination of constipation gives an almost one hundred percent guarantee that a woman will not get sick with hemorrhoids.

Constipation must be fought with proper nutrition. The diet should contain a lot of foods containing coarse vegetable fiber (cereals, fruits, vegetables, cereals, prunes). Fermented milk products also have a beneficial effect on the digestion process:

  • kefir,
  • yogurt,
  • cottage cheese.

Constipation is caused by foods rich in protein, primarily meat, as well as an excess of fat, flour, hot seasonings, and coffee. You also need to drink up to 1.5 liters of raw water per day.

The second important factor in the prevention of hemorrhoids in pregnant women is timely hygienic care. The area of \u200b\u200bthe anus and perineum must be washed after each bowel movement. In addition, once a day sessile baths with antiseptics (a weak solution of potassium permanganate, chamomile infusion, and others) will be useful. It is important for a pregnant woman not to strain during bowel movements and to refuse prolonged work in a sitting and standing position, and if this is not possible, you need to take breaks more often and change body position.

Exercises for prevention

There is also a special therapeutic gymnastics, which is aimed at increasing the tone of the muscles of the abdominal wall and anal area, improving the function of the large intestine, and reducing congestion in the veins of the small pelvis. Two, or better three times a day for 5-7 minutes, it is necessary to do the following exercises (of course, taking into account the state of health):

  • swinging movements alternately with the left and right leg back, forward, to the side;
  • walking with high lifting of legs bent at the knees;
  • side bends;
  • squats on toes with wide apart knees;
  • tension of the buttocks, at which it is necessary to retract the anus (this position must be held for up to 10 seconds).
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